Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eastern Students Display Work in Spring Student Show

Eastern Connecticut State University's Visual Arts students displayed some of their finest pieces of art in the annual Spring Show which was held at the college in ending weeks of April. The show included various mediums of art from the students and was displayed in two different locations on campus, the centrally located Student Center, and the Alvin B. Wood Services building of administration. Students of every concentration in the Visual Arts curriculum were urged to submit original pieces in order to be displayed to the Eastern student body and community, and give Eastern a sense of what the artists of their university dedicate their love and time to.

The Alvin B. Wood Services building held art work of those who had been working in sculpture, paint, drawing, printmaking, and photography. The administrative buildings two floors were tastefully decorated with original pieces, to be viewed by university visitors, faculty, staff, and fellow students. The sculpture pieces were artistically displayed on white pedestals, and emphasized three-dimensionality, as it allowed viewers to walk around the entire piece to admire all of its elements. The sculptures were created using mixed media, wood, metal, and even clay. The drawing, painting, and printmaking works were cleanly framed and hung neatly on the walls of the top floor of the building, to be seen while walking through the offices on an ordinary day.

The Student Center, and area popular for university students to gather, featured the work of the Digital Art & Design students of Graphic Design I, Package Design, and the Art Exhibitions class. Each visible wall held groupings of various projects by the classes that were divided by type. The displays included those posters created for Eastern's Video and Animation festival, designs for packaging, and famous people of Connecticut.

The Spring show is always an inspiring exhibition and gives Eastern visitors and students a sense of what goes on down in Shafer Hall from the Art Department. It is great to see that student's work can exist in and out of the classroom and allow viewers to appreciate their course of student and what their entire college degree has been essentially dedicated to. The art work, although not there to stay, let's viewers appreciate it as part of their space, in familiar environment. The student show has been going on for semester after semester now, and it will be interesting to see how the Visual Arts Department will continue to honor it.

Photos credited to: A.A. Desrosiers

For more information, please visit the Eastern Connecticut Visual Arts Department or Contact:

Carla Sheldon
Shafer Hall Room 211
Phone: (860) 465-0197
Fax: (860) 465-0200

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